The Happy Misfits / Los Inadaptados Felices: An autobiographical novel by Marcel Demeulenaere, a brillant Flemish inventor

New Book

New Book

The Happy Misfits / Los Inadaptados Felices: An autobiographical novel by Marcel Demeulenaere, a Brilliant Flemish Inventor

English Edition by Marcel Demeulenaere (Author), Simonetta de Vries-Demeulenaere (Author, Translator), José Ramón Alcala Mellado (Editor, Translator), Klaus Urbons (Translator, Contributor), Beatriz Escribano Belmar (Translator, Contributor), Robert Hirsch (Translator)

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This autobiographical novel on the life of the brilliant Belgian inventor Marcel Demeulenare and his wife Simonetta narrates the fabled story, set between the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th, of the couple during their years in Spain, turned into happy misfits who travel as jugglers and animal tamers giving entertainment shows in cities throughout the peninsula. Through their delicious dialogues, the reader will be able to learn about and delve into the advanced philosophy of this great woman of the 20th century and the great ideas of the great Flemish engineer, inventor of important technical systems. The real life that Simonetta and Marcel led during their unexpected stay in the Spanish city of Cuenca throughout the 1970s was the inspiration for this novel. The original manuscript, unpublished until the publication of this edition, was donated by Simonetta as a sign of recognition and gratitude to the International Museum of Electrography -today MIDECIANT- of Cuenca, whose officials had invited her to its inauguration in 1990. This edition rescues the original manuscript, incorporates its translation into Spanish and includes the rest of the original documents donated by Simonetta. To which has been added the textual and visual documentation of some of the original documents related to the fascinating life and important inventions by Marcel Demeulenaere. This publication offers not only the pleasure of reading a wonderful novel, full of life lessons and inspiration, but also becomes an invaluable document for future investigations and can shed a light on the history of the technical evolution of the 20th century that has collaborated in the creation of the current digital society.


Opening Reception CEPA Gallery, March 23

Part two of the exhibition will open on March 23, 2024, from 5:00 to 8:00 PM at CEPA Gallery. 

The Power of Resilience and Hope – Photography & the Holocaust: Then and Now will feature 30 contemporary, regional, and international artists and writers whose works juxtapose and interact with archival material to create new imagery that delves into the complexities of time and space, place and memory, nature, and the devastation of civilized society. A 100+ page catalog accompanies the project.

For more information, visit: CEPAGALLERY.ORG

The Power of Resilience and Hope – Photography & the Holocaust: Then and Now

Exhibition Review

CEPA’s Holocaust exhibition: ‘I wanted to make the absence present’

Co-curator Ruby Merritt describes a work containing more than 2,400 faces of people killed in the Holocaust. It’s part of an ambitious new art exhibition at the CEPA Gallery.Joseph Cooke, Buffalo News

Buffalo News Exhibition Review, “CEPA’s Holocaust exhibition: ‘I wanted to make the absence present'”

Read the article on the Buffalo News Website: